Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Session 2 Recording and Chapter 4 & 5 Discussion Questions

Please click here to listen to the recording from our session on Monday.  Don't forget to complete the Google Form here if you were unable to attend.

Our next session on Thursday, November 6 will cover Chapters 4 & 5.  We will meet across the hallway from room 463.

Chapter 4 & 5 Discussion-
For these chapters we will be doing something a little different.  I'd like you to pick one or two take-aways you had from each chapter and be prepared to discuss it with your colleagues.  For those who are participating using the Google form please complete it here.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chapters 2 & 3 Discussion Questions

"What stereotypes do you feel you have suffered from in the fixed mindset? Did you find a way to overcome it in the growth mindset?"

How do you view failure?  How do our children/students view failure?  Do you see failure as part of the “process of becoming better than we once were?”  Do you allow failure in your children/students?  Do you embrace failure when it happens? Should you?

Dweck argues that when children have a growth mindset they will be more motivated, engaged, determined and persistent.  If you agree and you desire those traits in your children/students, what can we do differently as a school and what can you specifically do to better foster a growth mindset?

Be prepared to provide an example of a real or ficticious person who you feel has a growth mindset.  List your reasons behind this choice.

If you are unable to attend the live or virtual session please complete the Google form here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Chapter 1 Refelection and Future Dates

Future live/live web dates:
October 27-3:30 Room 463-Chapter 2-3
November 6-3:30 Location TBD Chapters 4-5
November 18-3:30  Location TBD Chapters 6-7
December 4-3:30 Location TBD Chapter 8

Here is the link to the Google Doc for Chapter 1 so we can share responses with one another.  Keep checking back as people will add to this chapter discussion.  Chapter 1  for the best view go to Form (found directly under the word Responses) a drop down will appear and select  Show summary of responses.

I recorded yesterday's live session. Unfortunately the first 15 minutes we had some connection issues and it was impossible to understand the conversation.  The first 5 seconds are still a little tough but the rest of the recording seems to be okay so I have posted it here for those who would like to hear it.  Thank you to everyone for joining in the conversation yesterday.

These are links to the photo's shared:

Reflection on Session 1: In our live session today I think my biggest take-away was how our Mindset can change based on our situation and experience. As I read Chapter 1 I couldn't help but think much like Stacy, I have a Fixed Mindset when it comes to certain aspects of my personal life but I definitely have a Growth Mindset when it comes to my work.  It was nice to hear that some of my colleagues feel the same way.  I do believe a Mindset can be developed and even though we can't control other Mindsets we can definitely encourage and strengthen positive Growth Mindsets by living it.  Andrea brought up the sentence that will stick with me.. I can't do it YET!  I'm stealing that one.

Please feel free to comment below to add to the conversation.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome to our online discussion blog for Mindset.  Here I will post our weekly assignments discussion questions and you will have the opportunity to post your responses to the group.  I look forward to our discussions both live and online.  I will also include additional resources and encourage all of you to add to the blog posts as well.

I am piloting three different session options.  They include; live sessions, online live sessions, and finally,  blog and Google Form discussions.  You can try one or all of the formats depending on your preferences.

I will be using a tool called Adobe Connect for our online sessions.  To access those meetings you will go to this link: and enter as a guest.  These will be recorded for you to access as well.

Our first "meeting" will be Tuesday, October 14 from 3:30-4:30 in room 463.  I will also host the online session during that time.  So, if you cannot physically be there, you can always attend from any computer or device, anywhere.  Please test out the link above on the computer or device you plan on using.  If you are using a device like an iPad, iPhone or Droid you will need to download the Adobe Connect App.  Please let me know if I can assist you with any of that.  Finally, if neither of those work, you can post your discussion questions and comments here on the blog or completing a our Google Form Here.   I will share access to this blog and the Google Form with all of you so you can post and see what others have posted each week.

Here is our Week 1 Assignment-
  1. Think of a teacher or colleague with a fixed mindset – someone who won’t take risks, who can’t admit mistakes, and gets defensive after setbacks. What information from this chapter helps you understand that person better?

    Can you think of a time you faced an important challenge with a fixed mindset? What were your thoughts and worries—about your abilities? about other people’s judgments? about the possibility of failure? Describe them vividly.

    Is there someone in your life (a boss, mate, friend, child) with a fixed mindset—someone who won’t take risks, who can’t admit mistakes, who falls apart or gets defensive after setbacks? Do you understand that person better now?

    Activity – Search google images for a graphic representation comparing fixed and growth mindsets and be ready to share it with our group